Amina Medical Center


Comprehensive Rheumatology Care for Optimal Joint Health

We understand that living with a rheumatic condition can significantly impact your daily life. Our rheumatology team is committed to relieving pain, reducing inflammation, and improving joint function to enhance your overall well-being. We utilize the latest diagnostic techniques, advanced imaging technologies, and evidence-based treatments to ensure accurate diagnoses and effective management of rheumatic conditions. our Rheumatology Department specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic diseases, providing comprehensive care for patients with various musculoskeletal conditions. Our team of experienced rheumatologists is dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals dealing with these complex disorders.

Our approach to patient care is patient-centered, emphasizing open communication and shared decision-making. We take the time to listen to your concerns, address your questions, and collaborate with you in developing a personalized treatment plan. Our goal is to empower you to actively participate in your own care and achieve the best possible outcomes.

Facilities & Services:

Our Specialist

Dr. Manhal Al Shaher

Specialist Rheumatologist







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